9 research outputs found

    An intelligent modular real-time vision-based system for environment perception

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    A significant portion of driving hazards is caused by human error and disregard for local driving regulations; Consequently, an intelligent assistance system can be beneficial. This paper proposes a novel vision-based modular package to ensure drivers' safety by perceiving the environment. Each module is designed based on accuracy and inference time to deliver real-time performance. As a result, the proposed system can be implemented on a wide range of vehicles with minimum hardware requirements. Our modular package comprises four main sections: lane detection, object detection, segmentation, and monocular depth estimation. Each section is accompanied by novel techniques to improve the accuracy of others along with the entire system. Furthermore, a GUI is developed to display perceived information to the driver. In addition to using public datasets, like BDD100K, we have also collected and annotated a local dataset that we utilize to fine-tune and evaluate our system. We show that the accuracy of our system is above 80% in all the sections. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/Pandas-Team/Autonomous-Vehicle-Environment-PerceptionComment: Accepted in NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Machine Learning for Autonomous Drivin

    INCODE: Implicit Neural Conditioning with Prior Knowledge Embeddings

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    Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) have revolutionized signal representation by leveraging neural networks to provide continuous and smooth representations of complex data. However, existing INRs face limitations in capturing fine-grained details, handling noise, and adapting to diverse signal types. To address these challenges, we introduce INCODE, a novel approach that enhances the control of the sinusoidal-based activation function in INRs using deep prior knowledge. INCODE comprises a harmonizer network and a composer network, where the harmonizer network dynamically adjusts key parameters of the activation function. Through a task-specific pre-trained model, INCODE adapts the task-specific parameters to optimize the representation process. Our approach not only excels in representation, but also extends its prowess to tackle complex tasks such as audio, image, and 3D shape reconstructions, as well as intricate challenges such as neural radiance fields (NeRFs), and inverse problems, including denoising, super-resolution, inpainting, and CT reconstruction. Through comprehensive experiments, INCODE demonstrates its superiority in terms of robustness, accuracy, quality, and convergence rate, broadening the scope of signal representation. Please visit the project's website for details on the proposed method and access to the code.Comment: Accepted at WACV 2024 conferenc

    Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over Transformation

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    Accurate medical image segmentation is of utmost importance for enabling automated clinical decision procedures. However, prevailing supervised deep learning approaches for medical image segmentation encounter significant challenges due to their heavy dependence on extensive labeled training data. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel self-supervised algorithm, \textbf{S3^3-Net}, which integrates a robust framework based on the proposed Inception Large Kernel Attention (I-LKA) modules. This architectural enhancement makes it possible to comprehensively capture contextual information while preserving local intricacies, thereby enabling precise semantic segmentation. Furthermore, considering that lesions in medical images often exhibit deformations, we leverage deformable convolution as an integral component to effectively capture and delineate lesion deformations for superior object boundary definition. Additionally, our self-supervised strategy emphasizes the acquisition of invariance to affine transformations, which is commonly encountered in medical scenarios. This emphasis on robustness with respect to geometric distortions significantly enhances the model's ability to accurately model and handle such distortions. To enforce spatial consistency and promote the grouping of spatially connected image pixels with similar feature representations, we introduce a spatial consistency loss term. This aids the network in effectively capturing the relationships among neighboring pixels and enhancing the overall segmentation quality. The S3^3-Net approach iteratively learns pixel-level feature representations for image content clustering in an end-to-end manner. Our experimental results on skin lesion and lung organ segmentation tasks show the superior performance of our method compared to the SOTA approaches. https://github.com/mindflow-institue/SSCTComment: Accepted in ICCV 2023 workshop CVAM

    Foundational Models in Medical Imaging: A Comprehensive Survey and Future Vision

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    Foundation models, large-scale, pre-trained deep-learning models adapted to a wide range of downstream tasks have gained significant interest lately in various deep-learning problems undergoing a paradigm shift with the rise of these models. Trained on large-scale dataset to bridge the gap between different modalities, foundation models facilitate contextual reasoning, generalization, and prompt capabilities at test time. The predictions of these models can be adjusted for new tasks by augmenting the model input with task-specific hints called prompts without requiring extensive labeled data and retraining. Capitalizing on the advances in computer vision, medical imaging has also marked a growing interest in these models. To assist researchers in navigating this direction, this survey intends to provide a comprehensive overview of foundation models in the domain of medical imaging. Specifically, we initiate our exploration by providing an exposition of the fundamental concepts forming the basis of foundation models. Subsequently, we offer a methodical taxonomy of foundation models within the medical domain, proposing a classification system primarily structured around training strategies, while also incorporating additional facets such as application domains, imaging modalities, specific organs of interest, and the algorithms integral to these models. Furthermore, we emphasize the practical use case of some selected approaches and then discuss the opportunities, applications, and future directions of these large-scale pre-trained models, for analyzing medical images. In the same vein, we address the prevailing challenges and research pathways associated with foundational models in medical imaging. These encompass the areas of interpretability, data management, computational requirements, and the nuanced issue of contextual comprehension.Comment: The paper is currently in the process of being prepared for submission to MI

    Diffusion Models for Medical Image Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Denoising diffusion models, a class of generative models, have garnered immense interest lately in various deep-learning problems. A diffusion probabilistic model defines a forward diffusion stage where the input data is gradually perturbed over several steps by adding Gaussian noise and then learns to reverse the diffusion process to retrieve the desired noise-free data from noisy data samples. Diffusion models are widely appreciated for their strong mode coverage and quality of the generated samples despite their known computational burdens. Capitalizing on the advances in computer vision, the field of medical imaging has also observed a growing interest in diffusion models. To help the researcher navigate this profusion, this survey intends to provide a comprehensive overview of diffusion models in the discipline of medical image analysis. Specifically, we introduce the solid theoretical foundation and fundamental concepts behind diffusion models and the three generic diffusion modelling frameworks: diffusion probabilistic models, noise-conditioned score networks, and stochastic differential equations. Then, we provide a systematic taxonomy of diffusion models in the medical domain and propose a multi-perspective categorization based on their application, imaging modality, organ of interest, and algorithms. To this end, we cover extensive applications of diffusion models in the medical domain. Furthermore, we emphasize the practical use case of some selected approaches, and then we discuss the limitations of the diffusion models in the medical domain and propose several directions to fulfill the demands of this field. Finally, we gather the overviewed studies with their available open-source implementations at https://github.com/amirhossein-kz/Awesome-Diffusion-Models-in-Medical-Imaging.Comment: Second revision: including more papers and further discussion

    Unlocking Fine-Grained Details with Wavelet-based High-Frequency Enhancement in Transformers

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    Medical image segmentation is a critical task that plays a vital role in diagnosis, treatment planning, and disease monitoring. Accurate segmentation of anatomical structures and abnormalities from medical images can aid in the early detection and treatment of various diseases. In this paper, we address the local feature deficiency of the Transformer model by carefully re-designing the self-attention map to produce accurate dense prediction in medical images. To this end, we first apply the wavelet transformation to decompose the input feature map into low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) subbands. The LF segment is associated with coarse-grained features while the HF components preserve fine-grained features such as texture and edge information. Next, we reformulate the self-attention operation using the efficient Transformer to perform both spatial and context attention on top of the frequency representation. Furthermore, to intensify the importance of the boundary information, we impose an additional attention map by creating a Gaussian pyramid on top of the HF components. Moreover, we propose a multi-scale context enhancement block within skip connections to adaptively model inter-scale dependencies to overcome the semantic gap among stages of the encoder and decoder modules. Throughout comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy on multi-organ and skin lesion segmentation benchmarks. The implementation code will be available upon acceptance. \href{https://github.com/mindflow-institue/WaveFormer}{GitHub}.Comment: Accepted in MICCAI 2023 workshop MLM

    Laplacian-Former: Overcoming the Limitations of Vision Transformers in Local Texture Detection

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    Vision Transformer (ViT) models have demonstrated a breakthrough in a wide range of computer vision tasks. However, compared to the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models, it has been observed that the ViT models struggle to capture high-frequency components of images, which can limit their ability to detect local textures and edge information. As abnormalities in human tissue, such as tumors and lesions, may greatly vary in structure, texture, and shape, high-frequency information such as texture is crucial for effective semantic segmentation tasks. To address this limitation in ViT models, we propose a new technique, Laplacian-Former, that enhances the self-attention map by adaptively re-calibrating the frequency information in a Laplacian pyramid. More specifically, our proposed method utilizes a dual attention mechanism via efficient attention and frequency attention while the efficient attention mechanism reduces the complexity of self-attention to linear while producing the same output, selectively intensifying the contribution of shape and texture features. Furthermore, we introduce a novel efficient enhancement multi-scale bridge that effectively transfers spatial information from the encoder to the decoder while preserving the fundamental features. We demonstrate the efficacy of Laplacian-former on multi-organ and skin lesion segmentation tasks with +1.87\% and +0.76\% dice scores compared to SOTA approaches, respectively. Our implementation is publically available at https://github.com/mindflow-institue/Laplacian-FormerComment: Accepted in the main conference MICCAI 202

    Beyond Self-Attention: Deformable Large Kernel Attention for Medical Image Segmentation

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    Medical image segmentation has seen significant improvements with transformer models, which excel in grasping far-reaching contexts and global contextual information. However, the increasing computational demands of these models, proportional to the squared token count, limit their depth and resolution capabilities. Most current methods process D volumetric image data slice-by-slice (called pseudo 3D), missing crucial inter-slice information and thus reducing the model's overall performance. To address these challenges, we introduce the concept of \textbf{Deformable Large Kernel Attention (D-LKA Attention)}, a streamlined attention mechanism employing large convolution kernels to fully appreciate volumetric context. This mechanism operates within a receptive field akin to self-attention while sidestepping the computational overhead. Additionally, our proposed attention mechanism benefits from deformable convolutions to flexibly warp the sampling grid, enabling the model to adapt appropriately to diverse data patterns. We designed both 2D and 3D adaptations of the D-LKA Attention, with the latter excelling in cross-depth data understanding. Together, these components shape our novel hierarchical Vision Transformer architecture, the \textit{D-LKA Net}. Evaluations of our model against leading methods on popular medical segmentation datasets (Synapse, NIH Pancreas, and Skin lesion) demonstrate its superior performance. Our code implementation is publicly available at the: https://github.com/mindflow-institue/deformableLK